2011年4月12日 星期二

Experiment 2- The Space Between//Week 2; 13 April, 2011

13th April 2011
Week 2 - Task for Studio + Independent Study 

6 Parallel projections between pairs of drawings in Week 1

The Parallel projections of Maria Gaetana and  Sigmund Freud

The Parallel projections of Maria Gaetana and  Isaac Newton

The Parallel projections of Isaac Newton and  Sigmund Freud
Developing the Ideas of the Experiment 2

For developing the clients labs and meeting point, I would like to choose the parallel projections of of Maria Gaetana and Sigmund be my clients.
The Parallel projections of Maria Gaetana and  Sigmund Freud
Images that capture from the SandBox - Crysis Wars environment.

Rewrite the hypothesizes to forms an "Electroliquid Aggregation"

